Working Groups
Organized by faculty and graduate students at The CUNY Graduate Center, Working Groups stem from our ongoing Seminars in the Humanities series. Working Groups provide the time, space, sociality, and institutional support necessary for participants to develop and implement sustained intellectual inquiry in extra-disciplinary fields.

Nuyorican Artists in the Cafe

Wellcome’s Mindscapes NYC Working Group

Ethics and Labor in Art History: Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?

Institutional Apparatuses, or, the Museum as Form

The City Amplified Working Group

VHS Archives

Primary Source: On Special Collections, Archives, and Libraries

Bodies and Arguments Across Borders

CUNY Public History Collective

Public Education, the City, and Struggles for Racial Justice
Social Choreography Working Group

Environmental Studies Working Group

Public Space

Andrew W. Mellon Seminar on Poverty

The Weather in Proust: An Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Reading Group

Undoing Marriage: Remaking the Social Contract

ReOrientale: ReThinking Orientalism and Other Global Oddities

OS.XXI: Art History and the Digital Turn


Global History and Political Futures

Dissections: New Approaches in Middle East and North African Studies

Digital Studies/Digital Humanities

Caribbean Epistemologies

Possible Worlds, Alternative Futures: Utopianism in Theory and Practice

Andrew W. Mellon Seminar on Images and Information

Extra-Institutional Education

Film Studies Working Group: Moving Images in Theory and Practice

The Essay

Narrating Change


Revolutionizing American Studies

Affect Theory

The Life of Things: Big Data