Since 1972, WSQ has been an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of emerging perspectives on women, gender, and sexuality.
Its thematic issues focus on such topics as Activisms, The Global and the Intimate, The Sexual Body, Trans-, Technologies, and Mother, combining psychoanalytic, legal, queer, cultural, technological, and historical work to present the most exciting new scholarship on ideas that engage popular and academic readers alike. In 2007, WSQ was awarded the Council of Editors of Learned Journals’ Phoenix Award.
WSQ is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published twice a year in June and December. Along with scholarship from multiple disciplines, it showcases fiction and creative nonfiction, poetry, book reviews, and the visual arts.
Call for Papers
No estamos a la intemperie: An open call
This special issue of Women’s Studies Quarterly is an open call, the first of its kind in the fifty years of WSQ’s history.
The open call asks - Who is missing from WSQ’s discourse and how can the journal remove barriers to those already actively reworlding feminisms.
Priority Deadline: September 2, 2024
WSQ: Nonbinary (Volume 51: Fall/Winter 2023)
Edited by Red Washburn
and JV Fuqua
This issue explores the term “nonbinary” as a theoretical framework to understand resistance and liberation.
Feminist theory has long focused upon the problematic aspects of binary thinking, whether in relation to the dyads of nature/culture, sex/gender, biology/culture, human/nonhuman, or the individual/collective. This special issue of WSQ reflects upon the work that the word nonbinary does in terms of unsettling the codes of gender, sexuality, race, and other categories of being and knowing, and posits how nonbinary thinking might be a way to enact a fully feminist life.
“WSQ is providing exactly the kind of thoughtful, creative, forum we need in these challenging times. Brava!”
—Alice A. Jardine, Harvard University