Wellcome’s Mindscapes New York December Convening

Session #1: Friday, December 4, 10am-12pm EST
Session #2: Friday, December 11, 10am-12pm EST
Session #3: Friday, December 18, 10am-12pm EST

Please join us for Wellcome’s Mindscapes New York convening, hosted virtually by the Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY from 10am-12pm EST on three consecutive Fridays, December 4th, 11th, & 18th.

Mindscapes is a new international cultural program about mental health, developed by Wellcome. Mindscapes aims to support a transformation in how we understand, address and talk about mental health by inspiring relevant and meaningful conversations that seek out a diversity of experience and place. Major collaborations are staged in New York, Bengaluru, Berlin and Tokyo with satellite partnerships in other locations.

Our goal for these three sessions is to bring Mindscapes New York partners and fellow enquirers together to meet, workshop and share ideas, connect representatives from cultural organizations with people involved in the policy, advocacy, and research side of mental health, and brainstorm about what we can do as a group in New York over the next two to three years. These sessions will be interactive and involve short presentations and breakout sessions.​
