Sara Deniz Akant
Sara Deniz Akant is a poet, educator, and performer. She is the author of three books — most recently, Hyperphantasia (Rescue Press), which was a New York Times book of the year, a Boston Globe book of the year, and won the Massachusetts Book Award in poetry. She is also the author of Babette (Rescue Press), winner of the Black Box Poetry Prize, and Parades (Omnidawn), winner of the Chapbook Prize. She teaches poetry as a Professor of the Practice at Tufts University.

Book Launch, Conversation & Reading
The Shifting Subject(s) & Position(s) of a New Erotics: A Launch and an Anti-lecture

Tue, Oct 15, 2024
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
GC Poetics Presents Show n’ Tell: poetry & other works in progress

Wed, Dec 11, 2019
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM