Who is Funding All This and How Do We Stop Them?
Fri, Oct 13, 2017
2:00 PM–5:00 PM
Room 9205

Because corporate interests and fossil fuel industries fund much cultural and social infrastructure, divestment is an increasingly important tactic for activists and organizers. But how do we trace the flow of money and capital? At this workshop, activist and librarian Richelle Brown will teach participants how to research and write about divestment campaigns – be they focused on fossil fuel struggles or the prison industrial complex. Come learn, analyze, network, and hone skills for building a better world!
Richelle Brown is an archivist, librarian, and activist. Since 2011, she has been involved in grassroots organizing for a variety of environmental justice issues, including mountaintop removal coal mining, hydraulic fracturing, and the siting and regulation of energy infrastructure. Her essay, “Power Line: Memory and the March on Blair Mountain” was published last year in the edited volume Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting.
Co-sponsored by the Ecocriticism Working Group, the Environmental Humanities Initiative and the Art, Activism, and the Environment Seminar on Public Engagement and Collaborative Research.
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