Dr. Terri Watson: The Illusive Quest for Social Justice in the Schoolhouse
Fri, Dec 9, 2022
10:00 AM–11:00 AM
Åbo Akademi, Vaasa, Finland (this event will also be held online via Zoom and recorded)

Speaker: Dr. Terri N. Watson The City College of New York, and Seminar Faculty Leader of the The Schools We Need: Lessons Learned from Harlem project from the Center for the Humanities at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Join Dr. Terri N. Watson in Vaasa, Finland at Åbo Akademi for this lecture “The Illusive Quest for Social Justice in the Schoolhouse” where Dr. Watson will be unpacking Black women’s Motherwork in the schoolhouse and how white supremacy is reproduced in school policies and practices.
Terri N. Watson is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
at The City College of New York and a member of the Urban Education
faculty at The City University of New York’s Graduate Center. She is a
New Yorker and began her career in 1994 at a middle school in East
Harlem. Her current research examines effective school leadership and is
aimed to improve the educational outcomes and life chances of
historically excluded and underserved students and families. Her
scholarship is featured in several edited books and journals, including
Educational Administration Quarterly, the Journal of Cases in
Educational Leadership, The Journal of Negro Education, the Journal of
School Leadership, and Leadership and Policy in Schools.
To familiarize yourself with the topics covered in Dr. Watson’s talk, you may want to check out Watson and Nash (2021), “Challenging Whiteness at Claremont High School,” and Watson (2020), “Harlem’s ‘Motherwork’ Post- Brown: Implications for Urban School Leaders.”
Time: Friday, December 9th, 2022 10:00-11:00 (Finland); 3:00 AM EST (New York). This lecture will also be video recorded and available on this page after the event.
Location: Academill, Room C0201
ZOOM: You can also follow the talk on Zoom (CLICK HERE TO JOIN) (ID: 650 2924 8151; Passcode: WATSON22). This event will also be recorded and available on this page after the event.
Contact [email protected] for more information.

Terri N. Watson
Faculty Leader
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