Brave New Worlds: Dwelling in a Changing Climate

Thu, May 3, 2018

6:30 PM–8:00 PM

The Skylight Room (9100)

As our climate changes, so will our ways of inhabiting the planet. As ecological realities shift, so will our notion of oikos: the home. Will the notion of Earth as “dwelling-place” still serve us as we enter the period of the climate refugee?

Please join us for a conversation between Professor Setha Low (Anthropology, Environmental Psychology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, The Graduate Center, CUNY), Dr. Bethany Wiggin (Founding Director, Penn Program in Environmental Humanities, University of Pennsylvania), and Dylan Gauthier (The New School/Parsons School of Art and Design), as they consider what it means, and will mean in future years, to inhabit various spaces and places in a period of climatic upheaval.

Brief individual talks by each participant will be followed by conversation, audience Q&A, and a reception.

Cosponsored by the Ecocriticism Working Group, the Doctoral Students’ Council, and the Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY.

