Art and Literature in Contemporary Dominican Republic, Haiti, and their Diasporas

Thu, Mar 15, 2018

1:30 PM–8:00 PM

Room C198

This conference explores the production of literature and the visual arts by contemporary artists and writers in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and their diasporas. This event explores collaboration and intermingling within the current production of literature and the visual arts in both countries and in the diaspora. It will contribute to an essential, growing intellectual discourse about Hispañola and its diaspora in the United States.

This conference is a collaboration with the exhibition Bordering the Imaginary: Art from the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the Diaspora at BRIC, Brooklyn. The first panel will address intersections in literature and theater of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The second, a roundtable, will examine issues in curating Haitian and Dominican art in the United States, with special attention to race, gender, and institutional critique. The event will conclude with a keynote lecture by Dr. Sophie Mariñez who will discuss midcentury poetry and activism in Hispañola that transcends national boundaries.


1:30-1:45pm:Introductory Remarks

1:45-2:15pm: Film by Leah Gordon, Evel Romain, and André Eugene

2:15-4pm: Panel: Border and Queer Literature

Wilfredo Burgos Matos, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Rachel Afi Quinn, University of Houston

Raj Chetty, St. John’s University

4-4:30pm: Coffee break

4:30-6:30pm: Roundtable: Curating Hispañola

Rocío Aranda-Alvarado, El Museo del Barrio

Deborah Cullen, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University

Yelaine Rodriguez, Artist and independent curator

Abigail Lapin Dardashti, The Graduate Center, CUNY

E. Carmen Ramos, Smithsonian American Art Museum

Axelle Liautaud, Centre d’Art, Port-au-Prince

Jerry Philogene, Dickinson College

Moderator: Arlene Dávila, New York University

6:40-7:45pm: Keynote Talk: Sophie Mariñez, Borough of Manhattan Community College

Followed by a Question and Answer session.

Organized by Abigail Lapin Dardashti and Wilfredo Burgos Matos.

Co-sponsored by the Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean (IRADAC), the Art History Department, the Doctoral Students’ Council (DSC), the Dominican Studies Group, and the Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY, and BRIC.


Race Diaspora Migration Art Poetry Literature