from Lost & Found
Published Works

Series IX

Sargon Boulus: “This Great River”—Translating the Beats into Arabic

Jacques Viau Renaud Selections from Permanence of the Cry

Jim Schoppert: What Price This Pound of Whale? and Other Unpublished Writings

“Let us hear about your progress”: Letters Between Lucia Berlin, Edward Dorn, & Jennifer Dunbar Dorn

<em>Algeria, Capital: Algiers</em> by Anna Gréki, translated by Marine Cornuet

Series VIII

Series VI

Series I

Series II

Series III

Series IV

Series V

Jumping into the American River: New and Selected Poems: Volume 1

The Catalog of Diane di Prima’s Occult Library

There Are No Ghosts, There Are Portraits

Wild Intelligence: Poets’ Libraries and the Politics of Knowledge in Postwar America

The Letters of Rosemary & Bernadette Mayer, 1976–1980

In Memory of Michael McClure: Broadside by Ed Sanders

In Memory of Michael McClure: Broadside by Diane di Prima

Julio Cortázar: Julio y John, caminando y conversando: Selections from Imagen de John Keats

“the difficulties involved”: Muriel Rukeyser’s Season in Hell by Arthur Rimbaud

“a strange gift”: Mary Norbert Korte’s Response to Michael McClure’s Ghost Tantras

Diane di Prima: Prometheus Unbound as a Magickal Working

Pedro Pietri: Condom Poems 4 Sale One Size Fits All

Paul Blackburn & Julio Cortázar: “Querido Pablito”/”Julissimo Querido,” Selected Correspondence, 1958-1971 (Parts I & II)

Jack Forbes: “Yanga Ya,” Selected Poems & The Goals of Education (Parts I & II)

June Jordan “Life Studies,” 1966-1976

Toni Cade Bambara: “Realizing the Dream of a Black University,” & Other Writings (Parts I & II)

Audre Lorde: “I teach myself in outline,” Notes, Journals, Syllabi, & an Excerpt from Deotha

Series VII

Ted Joans: Poet Painter / Former Villager Now / World Traveller (Part I & II)

Gregory Corso: Naropa Lectures 1981 (Part I & II)

Judy Grahn: Selections from Blood, Bread, and Roses

Bobbie Louise Hawkins: The Sounding Word

Series VI

William S. Burroughs: The Travel Agency is on Fire

Langston Hughes: Poems, Photos & Notebooks from Turkestan

Jean Sénac: The Sun Under the Weapons, Correspondence & Notes from Algeria (Part I & II)

Kathy Acker: Homage to Leroi Jones & Other Early Works

Vincent Ferrini: Before Gloucester

Pauline Kael & Robert Duncan: Selected Letters 1945-1946 (Parts I & II)

Helene Johnson: After the Harlem Renaissance

Edward Dorn: Abilene! Abilene! (Part I & II)

Adrienne Rich: Teaching at CUNY, 1968-1974 (Part I & II)

Lorine Niedecker: Homemade Poems

John Wieners & Charles Olson: Selected Correspondence (Part I & II)

Joanne Kyger: Letters To & From

Diane di Prima: The Olson Memorial Lecture

Michael Rumaker: Selected Letters

Edward Dorn: The Olson Memorial Lectures

Charles Olson Memorial Lecture: Robert Duncan

Jack Spicer’s Translation of Beowulf: Selections (Part I & II)

From El Corno Emplumado/ The Plumed Horn: Selections

Diane di Prima: The Mysteries of Vision: Some Notes on H.D.

Diane di Prima: R.D.’s H.D.

Barcelona, 1936: Selections from Muriel Rukeyser’s Spanish Civil War Archive

The Correspondence of Kenneth Koch & Frank O’Hara 1955-1956 (Part I & II)

The 1963 Vancouver Poetry Conference: Robert Creeley’s Contexts of Poetry with selections from Daphne Marlatt’s Journal Entries

Philip Whalen’s Journals: Selections 1957-1977 (Part I & II)

Darwin & The Writers: Muriel Rukeyser

Amiri Baraka & Edward Dorn: Selections from the Collected Letters 1959-1960