In Memory of Michael McClure: Broadside by Ed Sanders
In Memory of Michael McClure: Broadside by Ed Sanders

U-Print broadside during the coronavirus, “A Memory of Michael McClure” by Ed Sanders. Click here or below to download or print the broadside.
As we mourn the loss and celebrate the life of visionary poet Michael McClure, Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics DocumentInitiative
has created a unique way to move through this period of social
distancing and break through the ubiquitous screens many are
communicating through. Our aim, in presenting this printable broadside
by long time Lost & Found friend and luminary poet Ed Sanders, is to put something directly in your hands, despite the
constraints we’re now operating under. Print this on beautiful paper, if
you don’t have a printer on hand, ask a friend or neighbor and maybe
they can mail or give you a copy! From us to you, we hope these
broadsides will mark a time, a place, and a life.