Lost & Found: In the Classroom

With a focus on education, conversation, and organization, we can begin to engage the archive as blueprint, as map, a way of learning from those writers and artists who came before us and responded to a world awry. Below are some configurations that we hope will be of use to you in your classrooms, organizational spaces, development of public actions, re-framing of pedagogies, and beyond. Single books, as well as full sets of Series I-VII are also available for classroom adoption at a discounted rate. We also encourage you to make your own choices and create packages that will work for you.
The following are some suggested configurations:
Teaching Pedagogies/Methodologies
This collection features work that explores radical teaching pedagogies and classroom reformation with the goals of fostering accessibility, creating syllabi featuring writers of various marginalized communities, and establishing diversified programs in higher-education.
- Adrienne Rich, “What We are a Part of”: Teaching at CUNY 1968-1974, Parts I & II
- Audre Lorde: “I teach myself in outline,” Notes, Journals, Syllabi, & an Excerpt from Deotha
- Toni Cade Bambara: “Realizing the Dream of a Black University,” & Other Writings (Parts I & II)
- June Jordan “Life Studies,” 1966-1976
- Jack Forbes: “Yanga Ya,” Selected Poems & The Goals of Education (Parts I & II)
Feminist Practice & Writing

This collection brings into focus different modes of feminist practice and writing.
- Kathy Acker, Homage to LeRoi Jones & Other Early Works
- Toni Cade Bambara: “Realizing the Dream of a Black University,” & Other Writings (Parts I & II)
- Judy Grahn, Selections from Blood, Bread, and Roses
- Bobbie Louise Hawkins, The Sounding Word

This collection highlights resistance through acts of writing, art, and protest.
- Adrienne Rich, “What We are a Part of”: Teaching at CUNY 1968-1974, Parts I & II
- Amiri Baraka & Edward Dorn, Selections from the Collected Letters 1959-1960
- June Jordan “Life Studies,” 1966-1976
Friendship & Politics
These two collections highlight the political and cross-cultural ideologies developed by a globalized network of poet-friends.
- Langston Hughes, Nancy Cunard & Louise Thompson, Poetry, Politics & Friendship in the Spanish Civil War
- Amiri Baraka & Edward Dorn, Selections from the Collected Letters 1959-1960
- John Wieners & Charles Olson, Selected Correspondence, Parts I & II
- Paul Blackburn & Julio Cortázar: “Querido Pablito”/”Julissimo Querido,” Selected Correspondence, 1958-1971 (Parts I & II)
U.S. Poets & Global Interaction / Cross-cultural Ideologies

- Jean Senac, The Sun Under the Weapons, Correspondence & Notes From Algeria, Parts I & II
- Ted Joans, Poet Painter / Former Villager Now / World Traveller
- “Barcelona, 1936” & Selections from Muriel Rukeyser’s Spanish Civil War Archive
- Margaret Randall, From El Corno Emplumado/ The Plumed Horn: Selections
- Langston Hughes, Poems, Photos & Notebooks From Turkestan
Radical Poetics

The works in this collection feature poets whose work challenges the norms of subject and form set in place by the dominant poetic canon.
- Helene Johnson, After The Harlem Renaissance
- June Jordan “Life Studies,” 1966-1976
- Audre Lorde: “I teach myself in outline,” Notes, Journals, Syllabi, & an Excerpt from Deotha
- Diane di Prima, “Old Father, Old Artificer” The Olson Memorial Lecture
- Lorine Niedecker: Homemade Poems
Queer Poetics

These lesser known pioneering works from queer writers add nuance to our understanding of marginalized history, and depth to a contemporary understanding of social progress.
- Judy Grahn, Selections from Blood, Bread, and Roses
- Michael Rumaker, Selected Letters
- John Wieners & Charles Olsen, Selected Correspondence, Parts I & II
For the full listing of Lost & Found publications visit lostandfoundbooks.org
For more information on how to order and adopt these sets into your classroom, curate a set of your own, or the adoption of a single publication or Series of Lost & Found, please contact our Managing Editor Stephon Lawrence at [email protected].
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