
Strengthening and fortifying just transition efforts led by frontline communities of color across NYC.

Launched in September 2023, the NYC Climate Justice Hub is a partnership between the City University of New York (CUNY)—the nation’s largest public urban university—and the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA)—a coalition of grassroots organizations from the city’s most environmentally burdened neighborhoods who have led the fight for environmental and climate justice in NYC since 1991. Operating out of the Center for the Humanities at the CUNY Graduate Center, the Hub unites CUNY and NYC-EJA to advance NYC-EJA’s transformative policy priorities and research agenda, operationalize climate justice infrastructure at CUNY, and nourish an emerging generation of community-based climate leaders in NYC. 

The Hub’s mission is to support NYC-EJA’s efforts to realize climate justice for New York City’s underserved, working-class communities of color. The Hub accomplishes this through the creation of new—and the activation of existing—trans-disciplinary systems in research, education, and leadership. These cross-sectoral networks built from faculty, students, and other resources at CUNY robustly support NYC-EJA and its member organizations in their efforts to accelerate “just transitions” in NYC. 

The NYC Climate Justice Hub is the largest of several “climate hubs” that have been created around the nation through a series of generous grants from the Waverley Street Foundation. This initiative supports minority-serving universities to work with place-based environmental justice organizations to advance the priorities and aspirations of frontline communities most impacted by climate change. The current grant under which the NYC Climate Justice Hub is operating is for a 2-year pilot (2023-2025), with opportunities for future funding.

Elizabeth Yeampierre is the executive director at UPROSE,  located in Sunset Park, Brooklyn and one of the five NYC-EJA member organizations participating in the NYC Climate Justice Hub. She addresses elected officials, members of the press, climate justice researchers and academics, and environmental justice advocates during the NYC Climate Justice Hub Launch on September 19, 2023 about the importance of “shared power” in the fight for climate justice. Video by Marvic Paulo, captioned and edited by Charlie Overton and Pierina Pighi Bel.


Through the NYC Climate Justice Hub, resources at CUNY are allocated to create programs that serve the climate justice campaigns and priorities communicated by NYC-EJA and five of their 13 participating member organizations.

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CUNY professors working on offshore wind energy meet with UPROSE, NYC-EJA, and NYC Climate Justice Hub staff to discuss collaboration opportunities during a hybrid meeting on April 26, 2024. Photo by Alan Minor.


Historically, climate and environmental research and work conducted by universities has not always been fully inclusive, helpful, or long-lasting. To this end, communities have often been exploited and negatively impacted by even the best-intentioned researchers and academic partners. For these reasons, the NYC Climate Justice Hub takes an approach to community expertise, research, and partnerships with universities that is guided by principles of equity, inclusion, purpose, and sustainability.

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The inaugural cohort of NYC Climate Justice Hub Fellows participate in a 4-day kick-off Academy the week of June 17, 2024. This immersive introduction to climate justice consisted of panels featuring community-based and academic climate justice experts, interactive activities, mindfulness and reflection exercises, and site visits. Photo by Ally Caple.


The goal of the NYC Climate Justice Hub is not just to accomplish work that furthers a climate justice agenda for NYC, but to also amplify that work to a larger audience—including the work that has already been done by community partners. To this end, the Hub offers a diverse and continually expanding body of resources intended to help academics, students, researchers, community members, and climate justice advocates alike to think critically about climate justice challenges and their solutions.

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Eunice Ko
Co-Director of NYC Climate Justice Hub
Michael Menser
Co-Director of NYC Climate Justice Hub
Research Teams Lead



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