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About this reading

Faculty authors and students from the Graduate Center, CUNY and the four City University of New York MFA Programs in Creative Writing (City College, Brooklyn College, Hunter College, and Queens College) come together for readings of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, and translation at the Graduate Center, CUNY.

The featured CUNY faculty reader will be award-winning poet David Groff, who is also a writer, independent book editor, literary scout, and teacher at City College of New York, CUNY, and Keith Gandal, author of Cleveland Anonymous and A Year of Writing Dangerously: A Scholarly Detective Story of the Lost Generation, who also teaches at City College of New York, CUNY.

They will be joined by the Graduate Center CUNY's Poetics Group reader Ashna Ali (Comparative Literature) and these talented CUNY MFA readers: Kerryanne Bell (City College of New York), Felice Neals (City College of New York), Lucy McKeon (City College of New York), Jiordan Castle (Hunter College), Leilani Zee (Hunter College), Diehl Edwards (Hunter College), Kristin Freedman (Queens College), Senia Hardwick (Queens College), Andrew Blevins (Brooklyn College).

Cosponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs; the CUNY MFA Affiliation Group, and the Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY, and the GC Poetics Group.


