Natasha Tiniacos

Lost & Found Archival Research Fellow

Natasha Tiniacos Ferrer is a poet, literary translator, and doctoral candidate in Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures at the Graduate Center, CUNY. She specializes in twentieth and twenty-first-century Latin American and Latinx literature, disability, and sound studies. Her dissertation investigates crip embodiments and the posthuman in contemporary Latin American narratives. Her publications include Against the Regime of the Fluent/ Contra el régimen de lo fluido with translations by Beca Alderete Baca (forthcoming, Ugly Duckling Presse),  Mignumi o el cuerpo (d)el deseo (forthcoming, Los libros del fuego), and the Spanish translation of The Border Simulator/ El simulador de fronteras by Gabriel Dozal (One World).

