WSQ: Black Love

WSQ: Black Love
Edited by Nicole M. Jackson, Mary Phillips, and Rashida L. Harrison
This issue of WSQ explores Black love as a theoretical framework to understand resistance and liberation.
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Paperback Edition
ISBN: 9781558612921
Publication Date: 05-31-2022
Volume 50, Numbers 1–2: Spring/Summer 2022
In the words of bell hooks, “We need to concentrate on the politicization of love, not just in the context of talking about victimization in intimate relationships, but in a critical discussion where love can be understood as a powerful force that challenges and resists domination.”
Freedom for Black people looks different throughout the world, but is always rooted in love. WSQ: Black Love is interested in uncovering the radical potential of love as a pathway to freedom. Academics attend to the expressions of love histories, literatures, and visual art, both personal and public. They uncover the political outcomes within everyday acts of love. Black love offers multiple possibilities for Black people’s engagement with each other in full autonomy.
This issue seeks to imagine justice if love were centered at the heart of politics, and contends with how the policing of affect within Black diasporic communities and the larger public hinders our ability to see love as a collective and political tool.