From  Published Works

Series VI

Series VI


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Lost & Found Series VI presents work by Gregory Corso, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Judy Grahn, and Ted Joans. While the styles and experiences of these writers are radically different, each project in this series enacts a commitment to the exploration of knowledge unbound by disciplinary constraints. Gregory Corso: Naropa Lectures 1981, introduced by Anne Waldman, includes two transcribed and annotated lectures that illustrate Corso’s vast storehouse of cultural knowledge, animating his poetics both on the page and in the classroom. Bobbie Louise Hawkins: The Sounding Word presents two very different lectures from the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, and a new interview with the author. Whether looking at iconic French novelist Colette or examining the poetics of prose, The Sounding Word describes an unflinching empirical approach to knowledge and its transmission through direct experience. Judy Grahn:Selections from Blood, Bread, and Roses explores mythic, societal, and personal relationships to menstruation throughout time, and is accompanied by a recent interview. Ted Joans: Poet Painter / Former Villager Now / World Traveller, introduced by Diane di Prima, presents an array of previously unpublished texts on jazz, surrealism, travel guides to Africa and Paris, his inimitable “Negative Cowboy,” and photographs from his life and times. As writers, each considers and refigures the malleable conditions of “historical truth” and the pursuit of knowledge as part of their creative process. And as readers, we are encouraged to do the same.

Series VI includes the following publications, which you can find more information about or buy individually below by clicking the image for each publication:

Series VI Publications