Teresa Villa-Ignacio
Teresa Villa-Ignacio is Postdoctoral Fellow in English and Visiting Scholar in French at Tulane University and the recipient of a Spring 2017 Fulbright grant, which will take her to the Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée. Her research explores intersections among twentieth- and twenty-first-century French, Francophone and U.S. American poetries and poetics, ethics, translation, postcolonial studies, multiculturalism, and globalization. She is completing a book manuscript entitled “Poethical Import: Translationships in French-American Poetic Exchange,” which examines the centrality of ethics in relations of translation and collaboration among France- and U.S.-based contemporary poets. Her related podcast series, Sounding Translation, features interviews with poet-translators. She is co-editor, with Olivia C. Harrison, of a special issue on Translating the Maghreb for Expressions maghrébines (Summer 2016).

Conversation & Reading
Souffles-Anfas: A Critical Anthology from the Moroccan Journal of Culture and Politics: An Introduction and Reading