Tahneer Oksman
Tahneer Oksman (tahneeroksman.com) is a writer, teacher, and scholar specializing in comics and visual narrative, contemporary feminist literature, memoir studies, and twentieth- and twenty-first century Jewish American literature and culture. She is Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, Literature, and Language, with a joint appointment in the Department of Communication and Media Arts at Marymount Manhattan College. In addition to co-editing Feminists Reclaim Mentorship: An Anthology, she is author of ‘How Come Boys Get to Keep Their Noses’: Women and Jewish American Identity in Contemporary Graphic Memoirs, and co-editor of The Comics of Julie Doucet and Gabrielle Bell: A Place Inside Yourself. Her scholarship can be found in journals and collections including a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, The Cambridge Companion to the American Graphic Novel, Keywords for Comics Studies, Pathographics, Shofar, Studies in American Jewish Literature, Women’s Studies Quarterly, and others. She regularly publishes cultural criticism in publications like The Boston Globe, Los Angeles Review of Books, NPR.org, and The Washington Post.
Photo: Amy Farber