Seth Fein
Seth Fein is an audiovisual historian who lives in Jackson Heights, Queenswhere he operates Seven Local Film. In 2014-2015 he was a Faculty Fellow in Multimedia History in Harvard’s Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, where he developed his documentary Our Neighborhood: Washington’s Small-Screen Cold War in Latin America across the Sixties, which he is currently producing in New York. In 2014 he screened his video essay outerspace innerborough unisphere@50 at the Greenpoint Film Festival in Brooklyn and at Terraza 7 in Elmhurst, Queens. Fein, who has published widely on film, TV, and the history of the Americas, was a professor of history, film studies, and both Latin American and American Studies at Yale and has also taught at Barnard, where his courses included the Idea of the Western Hemisphere and Projecting American Empire on Film, and Columbia, where he was Director of Graduate Studies in the university’s Institute of Latin American Studies.