Rajeswari Sunder Rajan
Rajeswari Sunder Rajan taught for many years in India before moving to the U.K. where she was most recently Professorial Fellow at Wolfson College and Reader in the English faculty at the University of Oxford. Dr. Sunder Rajan’s work spans debates about the relationship between gender, postcolonialism and culture in the context of post-Independence Indian nationalism. Widely considered to be significant critical interventions, Dr. Sunder Rajan’s writings (Real and Imagined Women, 1993, and Scandal of the State, 2003) have re-defined the terrain of postcolonial feminist studies, and have been widely used in a variety of intellectual contexts. Dr. Sunder Rajan edits a series on Issues in Indian Feminism for the Indian feminist press, Kali for Women, and is a Joint Editor of Interventions, an international journal of postcolonial studies. Her recent work includes a co-edited volume, The Crisis of Secularism in India (Duke University Press, 2006). She is currently completing a book on the post-Rushdie Indian novel in English.