Piergiorgio Donatelli
Piergiorgio Donatelli is Professor of Philosophy at Sapienza Università di Roma, where he chairs the Ph.D. program in Philosophy. He has written on the history of ethics, contemporary moral theory, bioethics and on issues related to human life, as well as on J.S. Mill, Wittgenstein, Foucault, and Stanley Cavell. He is the author of numerous books of philosophy, including Il lato ordinario della vita, Filosofia ed esperienza commune (2018), La vita umana in prima persona (2012), Il senso della virtú (2009), Wittgenstein e l’etica (1998), among others. Since 2011, Donatelli is editor of the journal Iride. Filosofia e discussione pubblica and is on the board of Bioetica. Rivista Interdisciplinare, Etica & Politica, and Nordic Wittgenstein Review.