Michael Menser
NYC CJH Co-Director, CUNY
Research Teams Lead
Dr. Michael Menser received his PhD in Philosophy from the CUNY Graduate Center and teaches in Philosophy, Urban Sustainability Studies at Brooklyn College, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the CUNY Graduate Center, and Community Ownership and Workplace Democracy at the CUNY School for Labor and Urban Studies. He was the founding Board Chair of the Participatory Budgeting Project and is currently the Associate Director of Public Engagement for the Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay. He is the author of We Decide! Theories and Cases in Participatory Democracy and is a contributor to Prospects for Resilience: Insights from New York City’s Jamaica Bay and is a member of the PSC-CUNY’s Environmental Justice Working Group.
Email: [email protected]

NYC Climate Justice Hub
Advancing equitable climate solutions led by communities of color on the front lines of climate breakdown.

Panel Discussion
Building Climate Justice Through Participatory Governance: Frameworks and Case Studies from the US

Democratize Public Services: A conversation between Ashley Dawson, Anne Le Strat & Michael Menser

Food Justice, Activism, and the Public University: A Conversation