May Joseph
May Joseph is a puppeteer, theater director and Founder of Harmattan Theater in New York City. Joseph is Professor of Global Studies in the Department of Social Science and Cultural Studies at Pratt Institute, New York. Joseph has written widely on globalization, urbanism, performance and visual culture. She is the author of Nomadic Identities: The Performance of Citizenship (Minnesota, 1999) and coeditor of Performing Hybridity (Minnesota, 1999). Other co-edited volumes include City Corps (Journal of Space and Culture), New Hybrid Identities (Women and Performance, 1995) and Bodywork (Women and Performance, 1999). She is a recepient of numerous fellowships, on the editorial board of XCP: Cross-Cultural Poetics, and a member of the Penny Jones Early Childhood Puppet Theater. Joseph is completing a book on urban citizenship called Metro Lives: Performing the City, contracted by Duke University Press.