Magda Azucena Doyle
Magda Azucena Doyle is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Georgia, Athens. She obtained her M.A. in Spanish at Auburn University in Alabama and studied Political Science for her B.A. at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua. Adjunct Faculty at Hunter College, Fordham University, University of Georgia, Columbus State University in Romance Languages. Dissertation on The Role of the Intellectual in The Writings of Sergio Ramirez: A Celebration of the Centenary of El Triunfo de Calibán by Rubén Darío in the novel Margarita, está linda la mar. An area of particular study is Immigration in Central America, Testimonio Narrative in Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean. Resistance and Hegemony. Published poetry in Voces del Café, and recently developed an interested in writing short stories and plays. The Theatre Works! Short Plays on Caregiving is a theme that is especially appealing since a considerable amount of her time has been devoted to volunteering with social service and educational institutions.