Jean Graham-Jones
Jean Graham-Jones is Professor of Theatre, Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages, and Comparative Literature, and the Executive Officer of the Program in Theatre, at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Her research and teaching specializations include contemporary and colonial Latin American (especially Argentine) theatre and performance in addition to theatre, performance, and cultural theories. Her current research focuses on the national performances of such Argentinean “femiconic” figures as Camila O’Gorman, Eva Perón, and the Virgin of Luján. Her translations of Argentinean plays were presented at Performance Space 122 (New York) during the November 2006 Buenos Aires in Translation (BAiT) festival and served as the basis for supertitles at Teatro StageFest (New York, 2007 and 2009). She is currently a fellow at the Freie Universität’s International Research Center for “Interweaving Performance Cultures” (Berlin). Major publications include Exorcising History: Argentine Theater under Dictatorship (2000), Reason Obscured: Nine Plays by Ricardo Monti (ed. and trans., 2004), BAiT: Buenos Aires in Translation (ed. and trans., 2008), and Timbre 4: 2 Plays by Claudio Tolcachir (ed. and trans., 2010). She has published articles in such journals as Theatre Journal, Theatre Survey, Theatre Research International, Latin American Theatre Review, Tramoya, and GestosTheatre JournalTheatre Journal, Latin American Theatre Review,Theatre Research International, Chasqui, andContemporary Theatre Review.