Jamie San Andres
Jamie San Andres is a sociologist and musician of Huancavilca-Kichwa and Ecuadorian descent. She was born in New York and raised in California and has worked as a union rep and community organizer for domestic workers and migrant farmworkers in California. In 2012, she was a human rights observer and documented a 15-day long nationwide march led by the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE). In 2015, Jamie conducted research in Ecuador’s southeastern Amazon region, where mining projects have led to displacement, trauma, and environmental health impacts. Currently, she coordinates a community based participatory action research project concerning cleaning workers’ health with Make the Road NY, Queens College, and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. In her spare time, she enjoys singing, organizing women circles, and developing an oral history collective project focused on the Ecuadorian/Andean diaspora in the United States.

Conversation & Performance
Listening with Radical Empathy: A Listening Party!