Gregory Sale

Gregory Sale has produced long-term large-scale projects bringing together disparate constituencies of the criminal justice world. In 2011, It’s Not Just Black and White at ASU Art Museum consciously wrestled with the visual motifs and clichés of crime that Arizona’s infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio has manipulated for political advantage. Teaching art classes to men on death row and to others sentenced as juveniles to life without parole has afforded Sale opportunities to collaborate with individuals at the center of our country’s addiction to incarceration. Sale is now undertaking a series of projects focused on the challenges of individuals reentering society after periods of incarceration. With support from a 2013 Creative Capital grant and an Art Matters grant, this series will bring together diverse and even opposing constituents for extended periods of time in order to reconsider their understandings of re-entry and their relationships to one another. Sale is Assistant Professor of Intermedia and Public Practice at Arizona State University.
