DIY Education Experiments: Artist-run Education or Education as Art? Part II
Fri, Feb 13, 2015
6:30 PM

The second in a two session conversation between artists about if, when, and how education becomes art practice. Education outside of the traditional classroom is on the rise. Again. New nontraditional learning scenarios are emerging in many academic disciplines, but especially in the arts. Artists have pushed at the boundaries of the edges of art, but somehow the proposition that education could be a medium for art-making provokes strong reactions. Is there something inherently precious about education that precludes it from the domain of art, while all other domains of life and culture are deemed legitimate: the act of walking; the ritual of psychoanalysis; having a conversation; or renovating a house? This colloquium invites several artists who are protagonists in educational experiments to explore and question the implications of education as an art practice.
This conversation is paired with a session on the same topic to be held earlier in the week at the College Art Association conference.
Cosponsored by the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (ITP) Certificate Program; the College Art Association.