Turnstyle Reading Series

Wed, Apr 10, 2013

6:30 PM

Writers and graduating students from CUNY’s four MFA Programs in Creative Writing (City College, Brooklyn College, Hunter College, and Queens College) come together for readings of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction at the Graduate Center. They will be joined by poet Anselm Berrigan, author of Notes from Irrelevance (2011), and poet Cynthia Zarin, author of An Enlarged Heart: A Personal History (2013).

MFA candidate readers will be Fatin Abbas (Hunter College), John Trotta (Hunter College), Eliza Bent (Brooklyn College), Jeffrey Grunather (Brooklyn College), Vivian Lopez (Queens College), Jonathan Karpinos (Queens College), Anita Rendall (City College), Florangel Reyes (City College).

Cosponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs and the CUNY MFA Affiliation Group.



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6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
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