How do spatial and visual practices intersect critically with philosophical concerns for human rights and the discourse of humanitarianism? On the occasion of the exhibition Common Assembly by DAAR—Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency in the James Gallery and the publication of his book The Least of All Possible Evils: Humanitarian Violence from Arendt to Gaza (Verso), Eyal Weizman will conduct a seminar in two parts. First, Weizman will lecture on Palestine and DAAR’s practice, which proposes the subversion, reuse, profanation and recycling of the existing infrastructure of a colonial occupation. This will be followed by a conversation with Tom Keenan about how to think and act propositionally about human rights, right of return, and common claims, as well as sovereignty and territorialization today.
https://vimeo.com/44755681 https://vimeo.com/44756152