Inaugurating “Wall of Inquiry” for We Are Beside Ourselves

Tue, Sep 20, 2022

4:15 PM–5:15 PM

All GC community is warmly welcome!

Please join for refreshments and conversation on September 20, from 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm in the James Gallery.

With intensifying systemic inequalities around the world materializing as global pandemics, accelerating climate change, food and energy insecurities, escalating refugee crises and rising race and religion-based violence, the idea of any singular, national “we” has never been more contested. And yet is there the possibility of another “we”? As part of the exhibition,We Are Beside Ourselves, The TRII /James Gallery Curatorial Collaborative is excited about the opportunity to gather and explore this possibility of another ‘we’” within our community at the GC. What is the culture that we want to live in? And what will we contribute to creating this culture? We invite you to participate in a brainstorm working session to discuss this and generate further questions that will be included in the exhibition at the James Gallery.