Next Generation: Museums

Thu, Dec 14, 2017

6:30 PM–8:00 PM

The Skylight Room (9100)

Why mix museums and their publics with universities and their researchers? What can we expect from the museums of tomorrow? What role might the academy play, and how can the latest research across science, art, and the humanities be integrated? This informal panel discussion will try to imagine new audiences, new engaging experiences, and new types of institutions.

Gathering prominent museum professionals and scholars from the arts and sciences, this panel brings together Creative Director, Wellcome Ken Arnold, Princeton University Professor of History of Science D. Graham Burnett, University of California at Berkeley Professor Emerita of Art History Svetlana Alpers,and Chief Marketing and Communications Officer for The Shed Jeff Levine.


“Imagining What Museums Might Become” from Seph Rodney at Hyperallergic:
“A multifaceted conversation on the future of museums showed some of the contrasting and competing visions for what they might become.” Read the full review here, and join the conversation.


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