How AI is Changing Art and the Humanities, and To What Ends
Tuesday, October 29th, 9am – 5pm
Wednesday, October 30th, 9am – 5pm
The Skylight Room (9100), CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave, NYC. Free and open to the public.
Register below to attend.

Art Science Connect presents a two-day interdisciplinary symposium “How AI is Changing Art and the Humanities, and To What Ends” at the CUNY Graduate Center to explore recent developments and uses of AI.
Generative AI is at the forefront of emerging artificial intelligence technologies that are rapidly transforming art, the humanities, and cultural economies worldwide. It is fundamentally changing how we write, research, and teach, and what it means to be creative. Yet we know little about where this might lead us. The CUNY Graduate Center will present an interdisciplinary symposium to explore recent developments and uses of AI. The two-day symposium will present a range of topics that address the ethical and political considerations around AI, creative collaborations between humans and AI, the early history of “machines with intelligence,” and AI’s biases and applications.
Symposium participants include scholars who are specialists in AI aesthetics and the history of machine learning, multi-media artists and computational researchers experimenting with AI.
Symposium Schedule
Tuesday, October 29, Skylight Room, CUNY Graduate Center
8:15-9:00am Registration, coffee
9:00-9:15am President’s welcome
9:15-10:45am AI as Language Technology and the Posthuman
Tom Looser (NYU), Jonathan Abels (Penn State U.), Nick Montfort (MIT)
10:45am-12.30pm Photography and AI Manipulation
Lev Manovich (The CUNY Graduate Center), Jessica Bal (The CUNY Graduate Center), Michael Mandiberg (College of Staten Island and The CUNY Graduate Center), Tobias Fandel (The CUNY Graduate Center)
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch break
1:30-3:00pm Writers and Artists Interacting with AI
Kyle Booten (U. of Connecticut), Katy Gero (Harvard), Daniel DeLuca (Coastal Carolina U.)
3:00-3:30pm Coffee break
3:30-5:00pm Artist Conversations
Ellie Pritts (artist), Heather Dewey-Hagborg (Data & Society, Digital DNA, and Artist in Residence at Exploratorium), Camilo Salas, (Hunter College, CUNY and
Wednesday, October 30, Skylight Room, CUNY Graduate Center
8:30-9:15am Registration, coffee
9:15-9:30am Welcome remarks
9:30-11:00am Histories Behind AI
Andreas Killen (City College, CUNY), London Tsai (artist), Doug Barrett (Syracuse U.), Doug Geers (Brooklyn College and The CUNY Graduate Center)
11:00am-12:30pm AI, Climate Change, and the Posthuman
Maedeh Norouzi (Université Libre de Bruxelle), Chloe Smolarski (The CUNY Graduate Center and Pratt Institute)
12:30-1:30pm Lunch break
1:30-3:00pm Legal and Ethical Implications of AI
Zac Zimmer (UC-Santa Cruz), Atreya Mathur (Center for Art Law), Todd Brous (School of Visual Arts)
3:00-3:30pm Coffee break
3.30-5:00pm Data Fluencies Theatre Project
Iona Jucan (Emerson College), Yuguang Zhang (NYU), Katherine Fisher (NYU)
View or download the schedule as a PDF file below:
This 2-day Symposium is free and open to the public, please register here to attend in-person.