
Merging poetic texts/philosophical theories/theatrical performativity (mp3) into collaboratively embodied meta-files such as archives, chapbooks and anthologies, this public seminar on social justice, with each session serially co-curated with invited participants, will bring prominent poets, philosophers and performance artists into dynamically complementary conversations not only with one another but with the CUNY students & faculty and the broader thinking community.
In Fall 2017, “PoeticJustice.mp3” opens with “PoeticCitizenshipToday.mp3,” with some promising notes on what poetry today, this verbal life of free (dis)association, can tell us about belonging and freedom. “QueensEnglishToday.mp3,” in turn, the conversational prequel to the “Queens English” poetry slam at Queens Museum, explores the intersections of the poetics and politics of language, say, “English,” by showcasing its generic diversity, expressive plurality, and polyphonic futurity.