
“Just Research: Study, Struggle, Solidarity” was a short workshop series on conducting public scholarship and democratizing the production of knowledge.

Vol. 1: January 15 – February 3, 2021
Vol. 2: March 11 – April 1, 2022

The workshop took place over 5 weeks, provided $500 as an honorarium upon completion, and was specifically tailored for adjunct instructors in the humanities and humanistic social sciences.

This workshop series aimed to help CUNY Adjuncts to advance research projects (including but not limited to dissertations) that draw upon some aspect of Community-Based Research and related methodologies, such as Participatory Action Research, Appreciative or Asset-Based Inquiry, Collaborative Inquiry, and Practice-Based Research. Such research tackles community problems, with the aim of combining knowledge and action for policy or social change.The survey is now closed but to learn more about the project, or browse our resources, visit our website.

Throughout the series, we will also prioritize our meetings as opportunities to broach typically overlooked or sensitive topics, to share concerns or reservations as well as aspirations related to our work, to support one another and make real progress on our respective projects, and to collectively share insights on negotiating academic milestones, disciplinary boundaries, and austerity in collaborative research.

This course aims to facilitate multi-disciplinary dialogues on theories and principles of community-based research (with special attention to race, gender, and class dimensions), the strengths and limitations of such approaches, and guiding practices and case studies/ models for successful research projects. We have designed this series to support and strengthen the significant scholarly, creative, and pedagogical work of adjuncts teaching in the humanities and humanistic social sciences across CUNY.


Skills and strategies for participating effectively in such research

Developing appropriate research strategies and outlines of presentations/ articles/ chapters for dissemination

Building structures of support and room for reflexive work along the way

Frequently Asked Questions

How and why did we develop this workshop series?

This workshop series builds upon the success of the CUNY Adjunct Incubator, a collaborative effort between the Gittell Collective and Center for the Humanities Mellon Foundation-funded Seminar on Public Engagement and Collaborative Research. The Adjunct Incubator project advocates to improve the material conditions of university life and make them more equitable for adjuncts, by supporting the significant scholarly, creative, and pedagogical work of adjuncts teaching in the humanities and humanistic social sciences across CUNY. Providing social, logistical, financial, and professional support for the creation and circulation of knowledge by CUNY adjuncts, this platform promotes the crucial work of part-time faculty across the CUNY community and senior college campuses.

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We were struck by the immense interest in urgent, action-oriented public scholarship among adjunct instructors throughout the CUNY campuses-- including and especially among researchers formally housed in the humanities, alongside those in the social sciences. We developed this workshop series after noting the dearth of courses that emphasize (or even mention) participatory methods and methodologies in social research and the public humanities at the CUNY Graduate Center. Of particular importance is the centrality of ethics and the obligations of public university in anti-racist solidarities and public scholarship.

The first workshop series was led by Professor Celina Su (Environmental Psychology and Urban Education, director of the Gittell Collective) and Kendra Sullivan (Associate Director, The Center for the Humanities). This year will be led by Jaime Jover (Gittell Postdoctoral Fellow in Urban Studies, Environmental Psychology Program at the Graduate Center), Anita Cheng (Film and Media Department at Hunter College & Art Department at Brooklyn College) and Aurash Khawarzad (Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Graduate Center), who participated last year.

What will the workshop series tackle and cover?

Over the past few decades, the involvement of community members in research has emerged as both an explicit goal and a practice in a range of disciplines and fields independently— in education, political science, sociology, anthropology, public policy, public health, arts and design, and development studies (especially international development), among others. It is related to and sometimes alternately called Participatory Action Research (PAR), action research, and critical praxis. Although some researchers characterize community-based participatory research (CBPR) as a set of methods (alongside surveys, interviews, mapping, PhotoVoice, observation, ethnography, etc.), we will focus primarily on PAR as an epistemological standpoint, with a set of questions that spans across disciplines.

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Such an approach explicitly challenges positivist assumptions that universal, stable, ahistorical scientific criteria, data, and truths exist, and that these truths can be best “discovered” through laboratory settings and experimental designs in the social sciences, or through universal criteria for what becomes canonical in the arts. It compels us (researchers who work in the academy) to confront power dynamics in the research process, make our interpretivist approaches legible and explicit, and prioritize community needs alongside institutional, academic ones.

Rather than focusing on specific sets of methods, we will grapple with tensions that arise in projects aimed at producing both “academic” and “actionable” knowledge, with the goal of helping each workshop participant’s research project to make tangible progress. (We will provide resources for participants to get a quick but solid grasp on appropriate methods, if needed.) How should we collaborate with communities in meaningful ways, and co-produce “useful” outputs and knowledge? How do we engage in research that simultaneously critically examines the phenomenon at hand, and reflects commitment to larger social struggles? How do we navigate the logistical, political, and epistemological processes (both in the field and in our academic institutions)? Who owns this data, this knowledge?
