Autoethnographies of Public Education and Racial (In)Justice

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In Fall 2017, a group of CUNY students and alumni participated in a free memoir-writing workshop led by Bushra Rehman at the Asian American Writers’ Workshop. A core group of six participants will continue to work collaboratively throughout the spring 2018 semester toward compiling and publishing an essay collection, along with performing their work at a reading at the Graduate Center on Monday, April 30, 2018 .

The research team is also partnering with the College and Community Fellowship’s Theater for Social Change to develop an original theater piece, exploring the impact of education on the lives of formerly incarcerated women. Since its founding at the Graduate Center in 2000, the College and Community Fellowship has helped formerly incarcerated women to pursue college degrees. Now located in Harlem, its mission is to “eliminate personal and structural barriers to higher education, economic security, long-term stability, and civic participation for women who have criminal convictions (including those currently and formerly incarcerated) and their families.”

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