Spring Fest on the Plaza at LaGuardia College
Wed, Apr 6, 2022
11:00 AM–5:00 PM
LaGuardia Community College, on 29th Street between 47th Ave and Skillman Ave (next to the C-building and the parking lot)

Join LaGuardiaCollege on Wednesday, April 6th from 11:00am – 5:00pm as Campus Life and President’s Society Environment (PSE) co-host Spring Fest on the Plaza!
Happening on 29th Street between 47th Ave and Skillman Ave (next to the C-building and the parking lot) will be closed to car traffic and open to people!
Come meet representatives from 30+ Student Clubs & Special LaGuardia Programs! Learn about theLaGuardia Community Greenway vision plan which aims to establish a permanent public outdoor green space at the College. Plus, LaGuardia Cares food pantry will be distributing food throughout the event. Spring Fest on the Plaza will feature exciting interactive games and activities, live music, snacks, and prizes!
Watch the LaGuardia Greenway presentation to LaGuardia President Kenneth Adams!
Here’s what to expect from our first pop-up plaza day in collaboration with Campus Life:

In case of rain, the event will take place in LaGuardia Community College’s E-Atrium, Poolside Cafe, and M-building Gym.
This event is a collaboration between LaGuardia Community College’s Campus Life Department and President’s Society Environment (PSE) Ambassadors. President’s Society Environment is supported by the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation. This event is sponsored by The ABNY Foundation and the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT). With media co-sponsorship by the Environment Community Humanities Oasis (ECHO) project
led by Ryan Mann-Hamilton as part of the Seminar on Public
Engagement and Collaborative Research from the Center for the Humanities
at The Graduate Center CUNY.

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