Peter Hitchcock
Peter Hitchcock is Professor of English at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the
City University of New York. He is also on the faculties of Women’s
Studies and Film Studies at the GC. He is the author of five books,
including The Long Space, for Stanford University Press. His most recent
publications include, “Accumulating Fictions” for
Representations,“Immolation” for the Routledge Companion to Literature
and Human Rights, “How to Read a Discipline” for Comparative Literature,
“Culture and Anarchy in Thatcher’s London” for an anthology on Hanif
Kureishi, “( ) of Ghosts” in The Spectralities Reader, “The Space of
Time: Chronotopes and Crisis” for Primerjalna Knjizevnost, “Defining the
World” inc Literary Materialisms and “Everything’s Gone Green: The
Environment of BP’s Narrative” for Imaginations. Forthcoming book projects include a monograph on the
cultural representation of labor, a monograph on worlds of
postcoloniality, and an edited collection on the New Public
Intellectual. He is currently working on two research projects: one
about seriality in politics and culture; the other on the aesthetics of
commodities and financial instruments. Hitchcock is the Associate Director of The Center for Place Culture and Politics at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Sexing Sound: Music Cultures Audio Practices and Contemporary Art