Nadia Mohamed
Nadia Mohamed is a Jersey City-based media maker, educator and development strategist working at the intersection of storytelling and social justice.
Nadia currently serves as the Development Manager for The Center for Story-based Strategy, a national movement building organization dedicated to harnessing the power of narrative for social change. She has been shaped by her involvement with programs and organizations like NESRI,Race Forward, where she co-produced the 2012 Facing Race conference,The Laundromat Project, where she co-produced Harlem Rooted: A Collaborative Art Making Party for The People’s Climate March, Paper Tiger TV, where she co-produced Rerooting the Motor City: Notes on a City in Transformation, and the Integrated Media Arts program at Hunter college, where she is a current MFA candidate.

Conversation & Performance
Listening with Radical Empathy: A Listening Party!