Lisa Blankenship
Lisa Blankenship is a graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a PhD in English, specializing in rhetoric and composition. After her doctoral work, she moved in the summer of 2014 from Cincinnati to New York to begin a job as an Assistant Professor of English at Baruch College. She just finished a four-year project, a co-edited, born-digital book, titled The Rhetoric of Participation: Interrogating Commonplaces in and Beyond the Classroom, about participation as a graded component of college writing classes with Paige Banaji, Katherine DeLuca, Lauren Obermark, and Ryan Omizo. The project, forthcoming from the Computers and Composition Digital Press, an imprint of Utah State University Press, examines the function of assessing a traditionally subjective aspect of pedagogy—the ubiquitous “participation grade”—looking at how such assessment plays out in ESL/transnational contexts, hybrid and online courses, writing programs and writing centers, using a variety of analytical frames such as disability studies, queer theory, feminist theory, and methods from big data analysis.