JV Fuqua
JV Fuqua grew up in Texas. Fuqua has a PhD in Cultural and Critical Studies from the University of Pittsburgh and is an Associate Professor of Media History and Theory in the Department of Media Studies at Queens College. Fuqua was the Director of the Women and Gender Studies Program at Queens College from 2017-2023. Fuqua was Provost Diversity Fellow, Queens College, AY 22/23. Their articles have been published in journals such as Cultural Studies and The Journal of Television and New Media, and the European Journal of American Culture. Other writings have appeared in anthologies and in digital sources such as In Media Res. Their first monograph, Prescription TV: Therapeutic Discourse in the Hospital and at Home was published in 2012 by Duke University Press. Their current research project engages with new materialist feminism and environmental cultural studies and documents the remains of extraction capital. A second project is an auto-theoretical examination of nonbinary identity and the nonhuman world. Their research interests include environmental cultural studies, new materialist feminism, queer theory, and digital media theory. Their teaching areas include television and digital media theory, history, and analysis; documentary film and media; queer media; cultural and feminist media studies. Fuqua is an internationally recognized scholar who has served on the board of the international feminist media collective, “Console-ing Passions” and is currently a member of the editorial board of WSQ.