Jaime Shearn Coan
Digital Publics Fellow
Jaime Shearn Coan is a writer and PhD candidate in English at The Graduate Center, CUNY, and a Digital Publics Fellow for the Center for the Humanities. His critical writing on performance has appeared in publications including TDR: The Drama Revew, Critical Correspondence, Drain Magazine, The Brooklyn Rail, and Women & Performance. He is the co-editor of the 2016 Danspace Project Platform catalogue: Lost and Found: Dance, New York, HIV/AIDS, Then and Now and author of the chapbook Turn it Over, published by Argos Books.

Conversation & Performance
Listening with Radical Empathy: A Listening Party!

Wed, Dec 12, 2018
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Solidarity Economy in the Performing Arts: What’s Reparations Got to Do With It?

Mon, Sep 17, 2018
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM