Harry Morales
Harry Morales is a Spanish literary translator. His translations include the work of Mario Benedetti, Emir Rodríguez Monegal, Juan Rulfo, Alberto Ruy-Sánchez, Ilan Stavans, and Francisco Proaño Arandi, among many other distinguished Latin American writers. His work has appeared in various journals, including Quarterly West, TriQuarterly, The Literary Review, Agni, The Kenyon Review, Mānoa, BOMB, WORLDVIEW, The Saint Ann’s Review, The Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, World Literature Today, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and Denver Quarterly, among others. He is a recipient of a Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry Grant for his translations from the Spanish and has been widely published in numerous anthologies. His English translation of two verse collections by Mario Benedetti, Sólo Mientras Tanto: Poemas: 1948-1950 (Only in the Meantime: Poems: 1948-1950) and Poemas de la Oficina: 1953-1956 (Office Poems: 1953-1956) and a volume of stories, El Resto Es Selva y Otros Cuentos (The Rest is Jungle and Other Stories) is published by Host Publications. His new English translation of Benedetti’s internationally acclaimed award-winning novel, La Tregua (The Truce: The Diary of Martín Santomé) will be published by Penguin UK Modern Classics in September 2015.

Conversation & Reading
Gregory Rabassa (1922-2016), A Celebration