Georgina Vazquez De Los Reyes Candidate for the MA in International Affairs at Milano School of International Affairs and Urban Policy at The New School. She holds a BA in International Relations from the National Autonomous Univeristy of Mexico (UNAM, 2011) where she also taught courses on Theory and Methodology of Social Sciences. She aholds a Specialization on International Migration from the College of the Northern Border (COLEF, 2014). As part of her professional experience, she worked for the United Nations for seven years as Project Design and Development Coordinator of IOM Mexico (International Organization for Migration).  The projects she developed were aimed at migrant populations in Mexico, including deportees and transit migrants. She was also part of the Mexican Consular Network in the US Midwest Area as a Protection Officer where she was in charge of attending penal and migration issues for the Mexican population. Her current research is focused on migration management and policy in the agendas of international organizations as well as the transformations of the refugee system. She is focusing on the case of Greece and Turkey and where she will be traveling to finalize her research. 
