“#MeToo and Epistemic Injustice” Conference

Fri, Oct 5, 2018

9:30 AM–7:00 PM

Fri, Oct 5: Roosevelt House, 47-49 East 65th St. & Sat, Oct 6: Skylight Room (9100), CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave.

Over the past year, the #MeToo movement has forced into national consciousness what has long been an underground truth known by women: the horrifying pervasiveness of sexual harassment and assault as routine everyday occurrences, largely unpunished. How can one explain the resistance there has traditionally been, as recently brought out in one high-profile case after another, to taking women’s testimony seriously? Using Miranda Fricker’s innovative concept of “epistemic injustice” as a focus—the refusal to give members of subordinated groups a fair hearing—this 2-day interdisciplinary conference will examine the problem in its multiple dimensions. Eighteen theorists from a wide variety of subjects—philosophy, political theory, media studies, history, gender and women’s studies, LGBTQ theory, Africana and Native American studies, law, and disability theory—will look from their distinctive perspectives at women’s vulnerability to sexual harassment and assault, and the ways in which it is complicated by class, race, nationality, sexuality, and disability.



Friday, October 5th

Roosevelt House; 47-49 E. 65th St.

9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.: WELCOME

9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Panel 1: Disclosure

Moderator: Miranda Fricker

Linda Martín Alcoff, “Is Consistency a Good Test of Truth in Rape Cases?”

Ann Cahill, “The Shimmering Moment of Disclosure: Ethics, Vulnerability, and the Role of the Confidant”

Sarah Clark Miller, “Resistance, Refusal, and Repair: The Three Rs of Epistemic Response to Sexual Violence”

12 p.m. – 2 p.m.: Panel 2: Representation & Resistance

Moderator: Catherine Raissiguier

Mishuana Goeman, “Razing the Monumentalizing that Marks Us for Death: Cinematic Geographies in Films on the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women”

Kim Hall, “‘The Epidemic No One Talks About’: Public Knowledge, Sexual Violence, and Disability

Danielle McGuire, “Recy Taylor, Rosa Parks and the Long History of Black Women’s Resistance to Sexual Violence”

LUNCH BREAK: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

4 p.m. – 6 p.m.: Panel 3: Sex

Moderator: Dána-Ain Davis

Andrea Press, “Swipe Right for Consent?”

Raja Halwani, “Sexual Desire, Sexual Pleasure, and Sexual Injustice”

Dina Siddiqi, “Staging Seduction, Erasing Consent”

Saturday, October 6th

CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue; The Skylight Room (9100)

10 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Panel 4: Hashtag Activism

Moderator: Charles W. Mills

Karyn Freedman, “Credibility, Risk, and the Epistemic Significance of #MeToo”

Alyson Cole, “The Virtual is Political”

Shatema Threadcraft, “The Mundane in a Spectacular Era: #MeToo and #Blacklivesmatter”

LUNCH BREAK: 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

2 p.m. – 4 p.m.: Panel 5: Hearing

Moderator: Linda Martín Alcoff

Miranda Fricker, “Knowing, Not-knowing, and Half-knowing”

Kate Manne, “More than Fair: How Excessive Sympathy for Him (‘Himpathy’) Obscures and Causes Misogyny”

Alison M. Jaggar, “Bad Weather and Hostile Climates: Why Do Sex and Gender Harassment Persist in Academic Philosophy?”

4:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.: Panel 6: The Role of the Law”

Moderator: Alyson Cole

Suzanne B. Goldberg, “How Do We Think about the Relationship between #MeToo and the Law?”

Susan Brison, “Hermeneutical Injustice and Bearing Witness to Rape as Gender-Based Violence”

Rupal Oza, “Consent, Credibility and Coercion in Rural Haryana”


Co-organizers: Linda Martín Alcoff and Charles W. Mills.

Co-sponsored by the Advanced Research Collaborative (ARC), the Center for the Humanities, and the PhD Program in Philosophy at the Graduate Center, CUNY, together with Hunter College.



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