Tue, Oct 16, 2018
12:00 PM–6:00 PM
The James Gallery and The Object Library, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Join us for the Bring-a-Thing-a-Thon event on October 16th and 17th from 12 to 6pm in the James Gallery and The Object Library at the Graduate Center, CUNY, 365 Fifth Avenue.
Bring one thing no bigger than your head to The Object Library’s inaugural Bring-a-Thing-a-Thon event.
What makes you think? What might make others think? Your object might epitomize your research or be part of a personal story. Take part in our first trans-disciplinary show and tell, and invite your friends and colleagues to take part too.
Donate your object to The Object Library by bringing it to the James Gallery for collection October 16th and 17th from 12 to 6pm and be ready to tell us a little about it.
Join us for the official opening of The Object Library on Tuesday, October 16th from 6 to 8pm across both The Object Library and James Gallery ground floor spaces.
DROP OFF: October 16-17, 12-6pm
LAUNCH EVENT: Tuesday, October 16, 6-8pm
Fine Print
We invite members of the GC community, as well as the general public, to donate one object to the Center for Humanities’ 365 Things project––a dynamic and evolving art installation originated and curated by the Center’s Director, sculptor Keith Wilson.
When you contribute your one thing––no bigger than your head––to the 365 Things project, your non-deductible donation becomes part of the research resources of The Object Library. By donating your thing and story to the project, they become a constituent part of The Object Library, and you agree––without restriction or objectionto their use for future research and display, which may include their use in facilitated events, classes, and an online catalog.
Due to the public nature of the project, and how we anticipate the public will engage with the objects, we cannot guarantee that your thing will be returned to you at the conclusion of the exhibition.
Thank you in advance for your support of this creative effort and for sharing your story and your thing.
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