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Diane di Prima: The Mysteries of Vision: Some Notes on H.D.

Diane di Prima: The Mysteries of Vision: Some Notes on H.D.


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Editor: Ana Božičević
44 pages, softcover, saddle-stitch binding

Diane di Prima wrote The Mysteries of Vision: Some Notes on H.D. in response to a colleague’s request that she speak on H.D. and Hermetic Definition
to students, mostly poets, in the New College Poetics Program in San
Francisco. She charts H.D.’s poetic/personal mythology, and the
influence of the poet’s visioning work on the tropes and structures of
her poetry, in this precious and direct address of one great seer to
another. The lecture is available here for the first time, fully
annotated by Ana Božičević in collaboration with the author.

Author Biography:

DIANE DI PRIMA is one of a handful of poets left whose work,
experiences, and friendships span the full range of what has been most
vital in post Second World War North American literature, yet her place
in our literary and cultural history has barely begun to be delineated.
She is the author of more than 40 books, including This Kind of Bird
Flies Backwards
, Loba, Pieces of a Song: Selected Poems, Dinners and
, Memoirs of a Beatnik, and Recollections of My Life as a
Woman: The New York Years
. Co-founder of The Floating Bear, Poets Press
and the New York Poets Theatre, she was one of the core faculty in the
Poetics Program at New College. She has been Poet Laureate of San
Francisco and continues to live there.

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