From  Published Works

Barcelona, 1936: Selections from Muriel Rukeyser’s Spanish Civil War Archive

Barcelona, 1936: Selections from Muriel Rukeyser’s Spanish Civil War Archive


SKU: 35fa44c24716 Category: Tag:

Editor: Rowena Kennedy-Epstein
32 pages, softcover, saddle-stitch binding

“Barcelona, 1936,” published in Life and Letters To-day, and
the unpublished poem “For O.B.” are two of Muriel Rukeyser’s earliest
pieces about the Spanish Civil War, an experience she would write about
throughout her lifetime and one that shaped her poetic and political
commitments. This volume offers an exclusive selection from her Civil
War archive, complete with maps, photographs, and manuscript pages
uncovered through the extensive archival research of editor Rowena

Author Biography:

MURIEL RUKEYSER was born in New York City in 1913. After winning the
Yale Younger Poets Prize in 1935 for her first collection, Theory of
Flight, Rukeyser’s poetic output would go on to span 14 volumes. Many of
her books incorporate documentary material, notably, “The Book of the
Dead” series in her 1938 collection U.S. 1, an examination of the Gauley
Bridge industrial disaster, in which approximately 1,000 men died of
silicosis. Rukeyser’s wide-ranging body of work also includes
biographies of American physical chemist Willard Gibbs (Willard Gibbs:
American Genius, 1942) and English Renaissance explorer and astronomer
Thomas Hariot (The Traces of Thomas Hariot, 1971), a book-length “story
and song” about the life of 1940 Republican presidential candidate
Wendell Wilkie (One Life, 1957), a musical about Harry Houdini (Houdini:
A Musical, published 2002), a personal exploration of the pagan goat
festival Puck Fair (The Orgy, 1965), a collection of lectures about the
uses and possibilities of poetry (The Life of Poetry, 1949),
translations (of Octavio Paz and Gunnar Ekelöf), children’s books, film
scripts, and criticism. Rukeyser begins The Life of Poetry with her
experience in Spain at the start of the Civil War, framing her talks as
an answer to the question posed to her, “And poetry—among all this—where
is the place for poetry?” Both her writing and her life
experiences—witnessing the 1933 Scottsboro trials as a student
journalist or traveling to Hanoi to protest America’s involvement in
Vietnam—are a testament to their deep interconnectedness. Rukeyser died
in New York in 1980.

Selected Archives: