Zabet Patterson
Zabet Patterson specializes in the history and theory of digital media with a particular emphasis on the intersection of computational media and art in the postwar period. She received her PhD in Rhetoric from UC Berkeley in 2007. Her dissertation, entitled Visionary Machines: A Genealogy of the Digital Image, was supported by fellowships from the Townsend Humanities Center, the Rhetoric Department, and the Josephine de Karman Foundation. Zabet spent 2005-6 as Visiting Assistant Professor in the departments of Art History and Art at Northwestern University. Her publications include “Going Online: Consuming Fantasy in the Digital Era”, in Porn Studies, a collection edited by Linda Williams, as well as forthcoming articles on Jim Campbell and John and James Whitney. She is presently Assistant Professor in Art at Stony Brook University, and a member of the Consortium for Digital Arts, Culture, and Technology (cDACT).