Yolanda Johnson-Peterkin
Yolanda Johnson-Peterkin has been working to serve people with criminal justice histories for over a decade; prior to her current role as Chief of Housing Community Activities at NYCHA, Yolanda was Director of Operations for Reentry at the Women’s Prison Association. This position gives her an opportunity to work on systemic change by reunifying formerly incarcerated people with their families. This unique program is one of the first across the United States and is the lead for duplication across the country. Mrs. Johnson Peterkin and her peers published an article in the Race/Ethnicity Journal titled Life Capacity Beyond Reentry: A Critical Examination of Racism and Prisoner Reentry Reform in the US. Yolanda received her Master’s degree in Social Work from Hunter College. She has received honors from the Correctional Association of New York, Citizens Against Recidivism, and the NAACP.

Conversation & Performance
Theater for Social Change: (In)Visible Freedom